Centro de Estudio de Alto Rendimiento (Centro C.E.A.R) is an academy of additional education located in the city of San Vicente del Raspeig, whose teachers have their own developed methodology for presenting educational material to students studying at this center.
The task of the Progress Motion team was to develop a multifunctional personal virtual classroom for teaching, which included: the office of a professor, student, parent and administrator, as well as a mobile application for Android and the Landing Page of the center. Through this office, the teacher could create tests and assignments for students, and parents could see the student's academic progress and respond to his grades in a timely manner.
After almost 3 months of continuous work on the project, our team presented the final version of the project to the customer, and also posted the created mobile application on Google Play. The entire project was executed in the center's signature blue-orange colors, and the web version of the personal account is easily adapted to any of the existing screen resolutions. The customer was completely satisfied with the work we have done.